Jennifer Cownie: The Brains Behind #YourMum
Jen Cownie is a digital planner, an avid reader, a prodigious drinker and a dear friend. She is also the reason #YourMum is trending today. Read more…
Jen Cownie is a digital planner, an avid reader, a prodigious drinker and a dear friend. She is also the reason #YourMum is trending today. Read more…
This, I suspect, will be a hard sell.
People have been enjoying having sex with each other since the dawn of time but I’m here to tell you that people are WRONG. Every major religion has agreed that baking the lust cake and placing it in your oven will send you straight to hell, and it’s about time we listened. Read more…
Hi, hello, hi. So good to meet you – I’ve really heard so much. All of our mutual friends tell me that we’d get on famously, and your professional reputation certainly seems to precede you. I am a pig living inside of a woman-shaped robot. Read more…
You might think I’m doing okay now. You might think I’m fine. You might say, hey, Car, I saw you last week crying into a small black coffee, and you seemed great! You are wrong. Because no matter how good I’m doing now, nothing will compare to when I am sixty-one. Read more…
Following the recent complaints around the marginalization of men in films, we would like to issue the following reminder to all major studios as a warning that, while men may not make up the majority of the film going public, buy fast moving consumer goods or exercise their right to vote that often, they are still a significant demographic and must therefore be catered for. Our failure to fully cater for men is a grievous oversight that we must work swiftly to rectify. To that end, here follows a list of guidelines for future endeavours. Read more…